Are you a business that’s too busy to plan a float?
Are you a non-profit that would plan a great float if you had some help?

We want to connect you!

We know businesses are busy around the holidays and don’t always have the time to get as involved as they’d like to be

and we know that non-profits can do amazing things when given the resources to succeed!

So by pairing up…

Businesses get the opportunity to:
– support a local non-profit
-showcase their community spirit

Non-profits get the opportunity to:
– connect with a local business
– spread awareness of what they do

And both get their name in front of the community at a fun, family event they wouldn’t be able to do without a partner.
It’s win/win!

Deadline to submit is November 8th, 2024.
If you have any questions about this initiative, please email [email protected] or call 519-601-8002.

Applicants will be subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • You give permission to the Argyle BIA to share the name of your business/non-profit to those who are looking to connect through this initiative.
  • The Argyle BIA is not responsible for creating, overseeing, or enforcing any agreements or sponsorships made through this initiative nor is it liable.
  • Any agreements or sponsorships made are the responsibility of the business and non-profit involved to maintain and carryout.
  • The Argyle BIA does not guarantee that all who apply will receive partnerships or sponsorships.
  • This is a pilot initiative and as such, rules and stipulations are subject to be added, changed or removed. We appreciate your patience as we work through any kinks that may arise.