The Argyle BIA has started a graffiti cleanup service for its business members. These cleanups usually take place twice per year on an as-needed basis (once in the spring / summer and once in the fall / winter). These cleanups are free of charge to our business members.
The focus of the cleanup “blitz” is the removal of graffiti and tags from private property that are directly on storefronts and clearly visible from Dundas Street.
Techniques used for removal may include:
*Spray and wipes for tags on metal, glass, or plastic siding.
*Power washing for tags on brick, unpainted stucco, or wood.
Paint-overs will be avoided (unless the business member gives consent), as well as from surfaces that are deemed compromised or in a weakened state to avoid further deterioration.
While these cleanups are designed to do a visible crackdown of tagging in the area, we expect our members to stay on top of graffiti that may occur on their place of business throughout the year, as they are responsible as per City by-law for the prompt removal of tags appearing on their property / business. This includes tagging on the sides or at the back of a property. We also have solutions for our members whose place of business get hit with constant, ongoing graffiti. Feel free to contact the Argyle BIA to learn more.
All graffiti tags on public property will be reported by the Argyle BIA to the City – as the municipality is responsible for the removal of public property tagging. Our business members and Argyle residents are also encouraged to report any tagging they see on public property to the City via [email protected].
Please see below for some of the “before and afters” of graffiti removal in the Argyle area:

Note: The Argyle BIA is not responsible for any issues that may occur with the cleanup and any actions
by the 3rd party contractor hired for the removal.