Homelessness isn’t a London specific issue but with the CIR and London Cares, our city is taking a very proactive approach to mitigating it.
There isn’t an easy answer to homelessness, substance abuse, or lack of affordable housing but London is rising to the needs of the city and with better understanding and cooperation we can make sure no one gets left behind.
We at the BIA reached out to the city to find out how our businesses should best respond to these day-to-day issues so they can continue operating safely and those who need assistance receive it.
We spoke with a representative from the City of London’s Coordinated Informed Response initiative, which is closely tied to London Cares, on how to deal with those involved with street activity, including unpredictable and disruptive behaviours, vandalism, disruption to businesses, trespassing, sleeping rough and urban camps.
Someone in distress
Urban Camp
Discarded Needles or Drug Using Equipment
For more information on the safe handling and disposal of needles and other drug using equipment, go to london.ca/needles.
Consent to Enforce Under the Trespass Act
In the case of many businesses, a lot of these illicit acts and rough sleeping happen outside of business hours. Below is a missive directly from the CIR concerning access to law enforcement and London Cares to your private property to assist those in need with preemptive consent to trespass.
If street-involved people and rough sleeping is something you’re dealing with frequently, this may be a very helpful step for both your business and the CIR to deal with the issue.
Read below for information and the relevant forms:
“Like many other communities across Canada, London is experiencing an increase in street-involved activity, including unpredictable and disruptive behaviours, vandalism, and excessive garbage, disruption to businesses, trespassing, sleeping rough and urban camps.
These challenges are typically a result of addiction/substance abuse, untreated mental illness, homelessness, pressures on the supports, and housing availability.
The Coordinated Informed Response program is a caring and compassionate response mechanism that aims to support individuals who are street involved, sleeping rough, and urban camping, with safe alternative solutions focused on housing and supports.
In cases where occurrences take place on private property the Coordinated Informed Response group can assist the private property owners and occupants.
In order for that assistance to be available on private property the attached form must be signed and returned to Municipal Law Enforcement Services by way of fax, or email addressed to CIR Team.
Upon completion of the form the owner/occupant will be provided with an additional window sticker which provides notification to all the responders that consent to enforce under the Trespass Act has been granted. Please do not remove the original No Trespassing sticker (red and yellow) as it should remain in place as well.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Sincerely the CIR Team
300 Dufferin Ave., London ON N6A 4L9
Phone: 519.661.4660
Fax: 519.963.5080
[email protected] | www.london.ca ”