Argyle’s Two-Wheeled Adventures

The bicycle industry has emerged as one of the few industry’s that has benefitted from COVID-19. Many people are searching for ways to safely enjoy time outside, possibly entertain their children and get to work. Bicycles fill that void and are an excellent way to see parts of London that haven’t been experienced yet.

After being approved by public health authorities as a low-risk activity bike sales in Canada have increased.

Bikes over toilet paper?

While the public may have predicted a shortage of toilet paper, the real surprise came when shop shelves were virtually cleared out of bikes. With most manufacturers located across seas, the early lockdowns that occurred in January and March are now affecting the bike supply in Canada.

The pandemic forced factories in Asia to shut down at the start of the year stalling the production of bikes. Taioku Manufacturing Co., a leading bicycle manufacturer in China received double the orders from importers for the first six months of the year compared to last year.

Fortunately, many of the stores located in the East London Argyle area still have bikes in stock. Bikes can be purchased at any of the following locations in Argyle:

Canadian Tire
Forest City Surplus CanadaDepending on stock
Sport Chek
Toys R Us

The Argyle area in London also offers scenic routes that bikers can use for a change of scenery.

Here are some basic rules of the road every biker should know before hitting the streets

Wear a helmet
The risk of a serious head injury is reduced by 60 per cent when you wear a helmet.

Bike with traffic

Make sure you always travel with the flow of traffic; you never want to be biking head-on into a vehicle. 

If you’re an adult ride on the street

In London, it’s only legal for children under the age of 14 to bike on sidewalks.

Use hand signals

Bike hand signals

Wear bright clothing

In the summer, sunset occurs between 8 to 9 p.m. It becomes extremely difficult to see a biker once the sun starts to set. To avoid an accident caused by a lack of light try to avoid biking at night and be sure to always wear bright coloured clothing.

Always pass right-turning vehicles on the left

To avoid being hit by vehicles turning right on the road, bike around them on their left side. Not all drivers will indicate they’re turning right, so it’s important to always pay attention to the vehicles traveling in the same lane as you.

A new place to bike in London?

Perhaps you’ve seen most of London, but you may have missed the quiet back-streets of the Argyle area in East London. We strongly recommend you check out the area, but avoid the main streets in Argyle like Dundas because of the volume of vehicular traffic. The side roads offer a scenic path with fewer vehicles that travel at a slower pace.

We recommend starting at Argyle Mall to pick up a few refreshments before starting on your ride. You’ll want to stay hydrated in the summer heat! Be sure to stop at Kiwanis Park for a break and set-up a little picnic with the items you purchased at the Argyle Mall before hopping back on your bike.

If you’re looking to get your heart rate up, try out the route below for a morning ride. In total, the trip is about six kilometres and should take a beginner rider about 45 minutes. At the end of your 45 minutes, you’ll find yourself in beautiful Kiwanis Park, where you can just sit back and take in the scenery.

Bicycle route map from Argyle Mall to Kiwanis Park, London, Ontario

Final things to remember when biking in London

While COVID-19 continues to affect the country, we recommend bikers stick to biking on their own or those within their 10-person social circle.
Biking is a great activity for people of all ages to participate in, but it’s important to remember you’re now a part of road traffic. Follow the rules of the road outlined above and always remember to pre-plan your route for the safest ride. Now that the heat of summer is upon us it’s especially important to wear sun protection and bring water when participating in activities outside.  
